Sometimes life doesn’t turn out quite as we planned. Meet Sherry. As a senior at Peace University, Sherry was on her way to earning a degree and entering her next season of life. But an unexpected pregnancy changed her journey. For health reasons related to a high-risk pregnancy, Sherry was put on bed rest early on and unable to work during her pregnancy. This meant that when her baby was born, Sherry had even less money for necessities like diapers. As if these challenges weren’t enough, Sherry’s pregnancy happened to take place at the start of the 2013 government shutdown, which meant she had no access to government assistance. Something had to CHANGE!
Enter Diaper Train. Immediately upon her daughter’s arrival, Sherry turned to Diaper Train for access to diapers — a basic need she simply could not have afforded on her own. But what Diaper Train provided Sherry was so much more than just a physical diaper. During one of the most challenging times of her life, Diaper Train gave Sherry peace of mind that she could return to school and work now that her baby had the required diapers to go to daycare.
“Diaper Train to me meant somebody cared! It meant that my child was worthy of having her basic needs met, and that there were others out there who understood my needs. I was able to focus on paying my heat bill and buying food instead of worrying about where my next diaper was coming from.” –Sherry
You can also watch Sherry’s story here!