Our partners working with us to end diaper poverty.
Referral Partners
Diaper Train works with Referral Partners to identify and serve individual Wake County families experiencing diaper need. See below for a partial list of approved referral agencies. For more information or to apply to become a referral partner, email info@diapertrain.org.
Our Referral Partners include:
Advance Community Health
All Things New Inc
Edenton St UMC
Families Together
Family Promise
Fernandez Community Center
First Presbyterian Church
Garner Area Ministries
Haven House
Hope Community Church/Fostering Hope Ministry
Kids First Pediatrics
Lucy Daniels Center
Lutheran Services
Monarch Behavioral Health
Neighbor Health
Oberlin Road Pediatrics
Passage Home
A Place at the Table
Project Catch
Project Enlightenment/Parents As Teachers
Raleigh Police Department
Refugee Hope Partners
Raleigh Housing Authority
RISE SE Raleigh Charter School
Salvation Army
Southlight Healthcare
TAPS (Triangle Area Parenting Support)
Telamon (Early Head Start)
US Committee for Refugees & Immigrants
Wake Connections/Smart Start
Wake Tech Fostering Bright Futures
WakeMed Hospital
WakeMed Pediatrics
Wake Co Child Welfare
Wake Co Economic Self Sufficiency
Wake Co Maternal Child Health
Wake Co WIC
White Memorial Church
YMCA Triangle
If you are in need of a referral, click here for more information.
Distribution Partners
Diaper Train partners with community agencies to distribute diapers to Wake County residents who participate in the agencies’ programs. To apply to become a Distribution Partner, email info@diapertrain.org.
Our Distribution Partners include:
Dorothy Mae Hall Women’s Center
Family Promise
Food Not Bombs
Green Chair Project
Haven House
Lutheran Services Carolinas
Seasons Village
TAPS (Triangle Area Parenting Support)
US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
Wake Connections/Smart Start
WakeMed Hospital
WakeMed Pediatrics
Wake Co Child Welfare
Wake Co Maternal Child Health
Wake Co Nurse Family Partnership
YMCA of the Triangle